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Top 7 Low Tax Countries for High-Net-Worth Expats - Ultimate Tax Guide

As a high-net-worth individual, you want to keep as much of your wealth as possible. That’s why moving to a tax-friendly country makes sense.

Who doesn't love the idea of keeping more of their hard-earned money? We all do, right? That's why moving to a tax-friendly country as a high-net-worth expat makes a lot of sense. But don't just take my word for it. Let's look at some facts. Here are seven countries you might want to consider

7 Tax-Friendly Countries for High-Net-Worth Expats

1. Dubai

Dubai top of our list for expats with 0% taxation
Dubai top of our list for expats with 0% taxation

Firstly, Dubai! Ah, Dubai, the city of gold, luxury, and sun-kissed beaches. And, let's not forget its favorable tax regime for high-net-worth expats. With zero personal income tax, zero capital gains tax, and zero inheritance tax, you can keep more of your money in your pocket. But, moving to Dubai can be daunting, especially for first-timers. That's where comes to the rescue. offers a step-by-step guide that helps expats and remote workers set up their life in Dubai. From applying for a visa to finding a job, they have got you covered. Plus, their website offers valuable resources and guides to make your transition to Dubai seamless.

2. Monaco

In Monaco, you’ll trade high taxes for a high cost of living.
In Monaco, you’ll trade high taxes for a high cost of living.

Monaco is a small European country that offers a favorable tax regime for high-net-worth individuals. With zero personal income tax, zero capital gains tax, and zero wealth tax, Monaco is a tax haven for the wealthy. Plus, the city-state offers a luxurious lifestyle, stunning scenery, and excellent healthcare.

3. Belize

With no capital gains tax, no inheritance tax, and a favorable residence program
With no capital gains tax, no inheritance tax, and a favorable residence program

Belize is a small Central American country that offers a favorable tax regime for expats. With no capital gains tax, no inheritance tax, and a favorable residence program, Belize is an attractive option for those looking to move to Central America. Plus, the country offers beautiful beaches, a warm climate, and a relaxed lifestyle.

4. Panama

 income earned outside of the country is exempt from taxation
income earned outside of Panama is exempt from taxation

Panama is a Central American country that offers a territorial tax system. This means that income earned outside of the country is exempt from taxation. Plus, the country offers a favorable residence program for expats, making it an attractive option for those looking to move to Latin America.

5. The Bahamas

Want somewhere tax-friendly and close to the US? Consider the Bahamas.
Want somewhere tax-friendly and close to the US? Consider the Bahamas.

The Bahamas is a tropical paradise that offers a favorable tax regime for high-net-worth expats. With no income tax, no capital gains tax, and no inheritance tax, The Bahamas is a tax haven for the wealthy. Plus, the country offers stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and a relaxed lifestyle.

6. Costa Rica

Costa Rica offers a territorial tax system that exempts income earned outside
Costa Rica offers a territorial tax system that exempts income earned outside

Costa Rica offers a territorial tax system that exempts income earned outside of the country from taxation. Plus, the country offers a favorable residence program for expats, making it an attractive option for those looking to move to Latin America. Plus, the country offers a beautiful natural environment, a warm climate, and a relaxed lifestyle.

7. Portugal

in Portugal benefit from a 10-year tax holiday on foreign income.
in Portugal benefit from a 10-year tax holiday on foreign income.

Portugal offers a non-habitual residence program that allows high-net-worth individuals to benefit from a 10-year tax holiday on foreign income. Plus, the country offers a beautiful natural environment, a rich culture, and excellent healthcare.

By choosing to move to one of these tax-friendly countries, high-net-worth individuals can enjoy a favorable tax regime, a luxurious lifestyle, and a relaxed atmosphere. And with the help of, expats and remote workers can set up their life in Dubai with ease.

So, whether you’re looking for a tropical paradise, a stunning European country, or a relaxed Central American destination, these tax-friendly countries offer a wealth of opportunities for high-net-worth individuals.

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